Understanding ‘Lease’ under Transfer of Property Act,1882

This article on ‘Understanding ‘Lease’ under Transfer of Property Act,1882’ has been written by Nishant Vimal , a 3rd-year student from Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad. The author discusses the concept of Lease under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.

In India, transfer of property is not possible for every individual because of financial issues. The permanent or absolute transfer is a luxury for some people, but a temporary transfer is something that has given every citizen the right of enjoying any property. One of the modes of transferring property for a particular period of time is Lease. Lease is a transfer of an interest in the property for a stipulated period of time without transferring the ownership of that property. In a lease, right of possession is transferred instead of the right of ownership. Transferor here is called the lessor and the transferee i.e. the one enjoying the property for a period is called lessee. Lease is governed by the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 and it is given from Sections 105 to 117 .

Definition of Lease

Section 105 states the definition of a lease which states that it is a transfer of immovable property for a particular time period for a consideration of which the transferee has accepted the terms surrounding the agreement.

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