Helping to create healthy schools

Learn how healthy food, daily physical activity and a healthy school environment support learning and growth to help students reach their full potential.

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Personal safety and injury prevention

There is support to help children and students with medical conditions and help schools improve concussion safety. We are increasing awareness about cannabis, to help prevent and delay cannabis use among youth and promote healthy decision-making.

Medical conditions


Cannabis and schools

Recreational cannabis is not allowed in schools even though it is legal for adults, 19 or older. Read the rules and find resources for educators.

Healthy food choices

Learn about the food and beverage standards that schools follow.

Food and beverage policies and standards

Guides for school food and beverage policy

Healthy learning environments

Learn how schools promote physical activity, support student health and well-being and provide community access to schools outside of school hours.

Daily physical activity

Elementary students must have at least 20 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each school day. Read the policy.

Foundations for a healthy school

Health and physical education

Community use of schools

Student mental health

Schools are an ideal place for mental health promotion, the prevention of mental health issues, and the early identification of mental health concerns through school-based intervention services. Schools provide students with the knowledge and skills to be aware of, care for, and advocate for their own mental health and well-being.

There are 11 mandatory requirements all school boards must put in place to support student mental health. Read the Policy.

Mandatory mental health literacy learning for students

All school boards are required to implement ministry-approved, teacher-led and culturally responsive mental health literacy learning modules for students in Grades 7 and 8 that respect the individual and diverse needs of students and ensure consistency in mental health literacy learning across the province. Students will learn about mental health and mental illness and build awareness of the impact of stigma associated with mental illness. In preparation for the transitions that come with adolescence, students will continue building strategies for supporting their mental health, including self-care strategies to maintain good mental health and to know where and when to seek help.


Healthy eating

School food and beverage policy (Policy/Program Memorandum 150) – Ontario’s policy on nutrition standards for food and beverages sold in schools, which applies to food and beverages sold in all venues on school property through all programs, and at all events on school property, including bake sales and sport events.

Student Nutrition Program - The Student Nutrition Program and First Nations Student Nutrition Program offers school-age children and youth nutritious food through breakfast, lunch, and snack programs.

Fresh from the Farm – Fresh from the Farm, healthy fundraising for Ontario Schools helps schools fundraise by selling fresh Ontario fruit and vegetables to the community, while supporting healthy eating and local Ontario farmers.

Foodland Ontario – Foodland Ontario promotes and support the consumption of fresh Ontario produce and processed agricultural foods.

Northern Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Program – The Northern Fruit and Vegetable Program provides fruit and vegetable snacks free for students, and education about healthy eating and physical activity. The program increases awareness and consumption of fruit and vegetables for elementary school-aged children.

Physical activity

Daily physical activity (Policy/Program Memorandum 138) – This policy directs school boards to ensure that all elementary students have a minimum of twenty minutes of physical activity each school day during instructional time. Resource guides are available for teachers, principals and school boards.

OPHEA - The Ontario Physical Health and Education Association ( OPHEA ) champions healthy, active living in schools and communities through programs and services, partnerships, and advocacy, and is led by the vision that all children and youth value and enjoy the lifelong benefits of healthy, active living.

Try Day – is funded by Ontario and administered by the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations ( OFSAA ). The goal of the program is to motivate all young people to participate in physical activity, to appreciate the intrinsic values of sport, and to realize the importance of activity to their overall health.

Safe and accepting schools

Kids Help Phone – Elementary and secondary students can call or chat online 24/7 to get counselling on many issues, including bullying and cyber-bullying in English or French. This includes clinically based tools and activities, health promotion and mental wellness interactives, professional counselling, crisis support, a peer-to-peer community, and community-based resource referrals.

Personal safety and injury prevention

Sabrina's Law : An act to protect anaphylactic pupils – The act sets out the requirements for school boards to maintain an anaphylaxis policy.

Rowan's law: concussion safetyFind concussion resources for educators, coaches, parents, sports officials, athletes and health care providers.

Ryan’s Law (Ensuring Asthma Friendly Schools) - An act that sets out requirements for school boards to maintain policies to support students with asthma.

Concussions policy (Policy/Program Memorandum 158) – This memorandum outlines the requirements for Ontario school boards to develop and maintain a policy on concussion.

Ontario's Asthma Program – Provides recommendations and resources for seven essential goals for creating asthma-friendly elementary schools.

Prevalent Medical Conditions Policy (Policy/Program Memorandum 161) - This memorandum provide direction to school boards about the components that should be included in their policy or policies to support students with prevalent medical conditions (asthma, diabetes, and/or epilepsy, and/or are at risk for anaphylaxis) in schools.

Substance use, addictions and related behaviours

CAMH vaping resources – General information about vaping, including important facts, associated health risks and additional resources to support youth and elementary and secondary school educators in having informed conversations.

Healthy growth and development

Ontario Public Health Standards – The Ontario Public Health Standards set out requirements for fundamental public health programs and services.

Stepping Stones: A resource on youth development – A resource designed to support those who work with youth aged 12 to 25 by providing an overview of youth development.

Mental health

Student Mental Health - Policy/Program Memorandum 169 - This policy outlines requirements for school boards and school authorities, and the Consortium Centre Jules-Léger to provide culturally responsive, evidence-informed student mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention services that respect students as complex individuals and provide appropriate supports for their diverse needs.

Grade 7 and grade 8 mental health literacy modules – Find out how you can support your child’s learning.

Mental health services for children and youth – How to find mental health support for children and youth under the age of 18.

Children and youth mental health: signs and symptoms – Learn how to identify when a child or youth may need mental health support.

School Mental Health Ontario – Works with Ontario school districts to support student mental health.

Children’s Mental Health Ontario directory – A directory of children’s mental health centres across Ontario.